Get to Know Us
Zach Graper (Varsity Head Coach)
Email: coachzachgraper@gmail.com
Cell: 805-587-7953
Adam Brzyski (Asst. Varsity, JV Head Coach)
Email: wpcoachadam@gmail.com
Boy's Team Links
All players need to register for Hudl. Click the button below.
Go to:
Team Code: svtor76
Girl's Team Links
Remind App
All players and parents please sign up for the Remind App. This is our primary way of communicating with you for important game and practice updates. Send text to click button below.
All players need to register for Hudl. Click the button below.
Coming Soon
Game Day Expectations
Athletes are asked to wear their team uniform all day at school (Polo, khakis/PVHSWP Sweatpants).
Home Games
All athletes are expected to support ALL teams & stay at the pool to cheer on their teammates until the end of the final match of the evening. Athletes are responsible for helping set up/clean up every game day. If an athlete needs to leave an event early, please contact Coach Zach to let him know.
Away Games
All athletes are expected to take the bus both to/from Away games. If an athlete needs to travel with parents to/from games please contact Coach Zach to let him know.
If athletes have to leave class early to attend a game, please have them let their teachers know 1 week in advance & remind their teachers again at the start of that class period on game day.
Practice Expectations
Athletes are expected to be on deck, in the classroom, or weight room 5 minutes before practice starts & prepared to start practice right on time.
What to bring to practice:
Water Polo Suit
Water Bottle
Sun Screen
Dry Land Clothes (Gym Shoes, Team Gym T-Shirt, Team Shorts)
Contact the Coaches or any of the Team Parents
Boys Team Parents
Mandi Leonard - Varsity Team Mom
Email: mandi@navigoe.com
cell: 310.462.0009
Carrie Reed - JV Team Mom
Email: carriereed@live.com
cell: 310.755.4516
Frosh/Soph Team Mom
Girls Team Parents
(Varsity Team Mom)
(JV Team Mom)